Tigers are one of the largest members of cat family. They are known for the power and hunting style. Bengal tiger are one of the five species of tigers. They are also called the most beautiful member of cat family. Here we are describing some interesting facts about them.
1: Appearance
Tigers have orange brown coat with dark lines. Their size ranges from 2.7 meter to 3 meter. Being the largest member of cat family, a male tiger usually weighs nearly 500 Ibs, while in case of female tiger its nearly 300 Ibs.
2: Diet:
Being carnivore, a tiger usually hunts pig, buffalo, deer and other medium to large size animals. Tiger can consume around 40 kg meat at a time.
3: Endangered
Bengal tigers are listed among the endangered species, and according to an estimate there are less than 3,000 tigers in the wild. Many organizations are working to save this member of cat family.
4: White tigers
Tigers with white coats, dark color strips and blue eyes are a variation among the Bengal tigers. They are not albino tigers.
5: Solitary hunters
Unlike lions, tigers do not hunt in groups. They are solitary animals and mark their boundaries with urine and scratch marks to inform the other members of their species.