Geese are one of the largest waterfowls, which spend most of their time on land. They belong to order Anseriformes, while their family is Anatidae. Swans are also members of this family but they are larger in size, if we compare them with geese. Here we are mentioning few interesting facts about geese.
1. Types of geese
Widely speaking there are following categories or genre of geese, i.e. White geese and black geese and grey geese. However, gosling is the name of baby goose and gaggle is characterized as the group goose.
2. Scientific Description
The family and class and of geese is Anadidae and Aves respectively. However, it belongs to the Anserini tribe that includes other waterfowl as well like sawn.
3. V Formation
Another specility of geese is their flying habit and stle. When geese fly, they make the shape of English alphabit “V”. No doubt, it raises the flying range. Moreover, geese maintain this V even after tiring of one member by means of replacing its place.
4. Diet
The beloved diet of geese is fertilizer within the agriculture land or green grasslands. This thing compels the geese to remain near the grasslands, playgrounds and golf courses.
5. Characteristics
Geese look like ducks but with pink foots and gray legs. The average age of geese is not more than 25 years old.