Whales constitute the largest mammals of the earth. They are friendly they are small, they are large and they re killers. Every group of whales can be found, some of them are even not known to us. Those that are known are not known completely. It does not mean the killer whales are not known. They are well known to us and below are given some facts about them.
1. They are dolphins
Well, yes they are. They belong to the group Delphinidae. The word whale is attached to them because they belong to this special group.
2. Largest dolphins
When we think about dolphins, cute, naughty and smart creature’s image is projected but then killer whales are also dolphins. Though, they look cute but dangerously cute in real.
3. Mammals
They are aquatic mammals. This means that they give birth to young and their young grow on the milk of their mothers.
4. Breathe
They are fish who need to breathe from the top of the ocean. They cannot breathe from the water like other fish. This makes them different from other fish
5. Good swimmers
They are very good swimmers. They can reach up to the speed of 30 mph. they can reach to the deep waters with this speed.
6. Food
The killer whales need enormous amount of food every day. They need to intake 500 pounds food daily to live. This food makes only 5 % of their body weight.
7. Their social structure
The killer whales live in groups called pods. These groups constitute of 6 to 40 killer whales. This makes their social structure of their family or group.
8. Giving birth
The gestation period of killer whales in around 16 to 17 months. After this they give birth. Usually like all other whale species, they give birth to only one calf a time. They take care of their babies with great care.
9. They never attacked humans
From there name, one can be very sure that these whales are the worst enemies of humans. Well this is not true. There is no record of killer whales attacking humans. Some accidents might have led to any bad scene but they killer whales only eat fish, seals and other sea animals. This is the reason it is called killer whale.
10. Vocalization
This is an interesting fact about killer whales. They communicate with their group mates with a specific vocalization. This vocalization is specific to each pod.