Salamanders are look like lizards and found almost in every area of the world. They have very special kind of skin which has many weird features. They are different in length. Here are some facts about salamanders.
Shape and size
A salamander looks like a lizard. It contains four legs a long tail and a long slinder body. They are very closely related to the amphibious lizard.
Salamanders are found almost in every country of the world. They mostly found in high temperature climate. They are aquatic or semi aquatic.
The salamander’s habitat is water. Most of their species are aquatic and semi aquatic. They have habitat in water due to their permeable skin and amphibious nature.
They can regenerate very rapidly and regrow their lost limbs and other body parts. This natural ability gives them protection against predators. They escape by dropping their body parts, when a predator attacks on them.
Interesting Facts
Salamanders have very bright skin colors. Their skin is not exposed to son ever. Their skin gets brighter in breeding seasons. It also provides moisture in hard conditions and balance salt in water. They secret poison from glands on their skin. Their population is decreasing very rapidly.