Wyoming is a state in United States. It is a land acquired by U.S from France, as a part of the Louisiana Purchase. John Colter , the first white man who entered in this region in 1807. He explored the Yellowstone area there. Here are some facts about Wyoming.
Robert Stuart pioneered the Oregon Trail across Wyoming in 1812-1813. In 1834, fort Laramie the first permanent trading in Wyoming was built. Wyoming tertiary was organized in 1869 and Wyoming women became first women of the nation to obtain the right to vote.
Wyoming is rectangular in shape. Wyoming is traversed by rocky mts, which angle south across the state from the northwest. Mountains at the east are the rolling country of the Great Plains. A high area covered with grass and sagebrush. Area of Wyoming is 97,914 sq.m.
Dairy forming is the main source of livelihood of most of the inhabitants of Wyoming. Producing hay, wheat and barley is supplemented as the more diversified yield. Mining is the largest sector of state economy.
Wyoming is still function under its 1st constitution, adopted in 1890. the governor is the head of executive branch, which is elected for four years. Senate contains 30 members.
Special Figures
It is the first state which gives the right to women to cast vote. Wyoming is the leading coal producer in the country with 3 million per week. Wyoming has the lowest population among all 50 states of USA. Wyoming is ranked 2nd in the production of wool.