Eater Island that is also called Rapa Nui is an isolated land in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. Today, this beautiful piece of land is the territory of Chile. Thousands of people come here to see the great attraction of Ester Island that is the series of Moai statues. Here are some facts about Ester Island.
1. Location
Ester Island is located at the Polynesian triangle that is the part of southeastern Pacific Ocean. It is one the most inhabited and isolated island of the world and is located at a distance of 2200 km from Chile coast. Now, Chile claimed this isolated land, its own territory.
2. Reason behind Name
There is an interesting story behind the name of this piece of land. In fact, the date of discovery of Ester Island is Ester Sunday 1722, when a Dutch traveler Jacob Rogeveen, found it.
3. Moai
The key reason behind fame of Ester Island is series of Moai statutes that were built by Rapanui people in the era 1250-1500. These monumental statues are 887 in numbers.
4. Old Names
There are two old names of Ester Island. One is “Te Pito O Te Henua” that means “Center of the World”. The other name is “Meta Ki Te Rani” that means “Eyes Looking at Heaven”.
5. World Heritage Site
Ester Island became World Heritage Site by UNISCO in 1995 thanks to its archeologists structures.