Stonehenge is thought as the oldest prehistoric monument of the world. It is present in Wiltshire county of England with a distance of 8 miles from Salisbury and 2 miles from Amesbury. This is one of the most visiting ancient places in the world. Here are some facts about Stonehenge.
1. Era of construction
Many archeologists estimated that this historic Stonehenge was constructed between the era of 3000-2000 BC. Overall, the average time of construction for Stonehenge is believed as 2500 BC by most of the archeologists.
2. World Heritage site
In 1986, UNESCO added this Stonehenge and its surroundings in the list of its World Heritage sites. Now, it is scheduled ancient monument and is legally protected now.
3. Geometrical Construction
The structure of Stonehenge is a masterpiece of enginerring technique and is constructed with highly mathematical and geometrical considerations.
4. The beauty of circle
As Stonehenge is in circular shape and the amazing beauty of the circle is that, it is aligned in such a way that it correspond to midwinter sunset and midsummer sunrise.
5. Types of Stones
The stones that are used in the construction of Stonehenge are blue stones and Sarsen stones. The former stones have weight up to 4 tons and the later is weighed up to 25 tons.