Sun light is the biggest source of energy on planet earth. The energy, we get from sun light is called solar energy. It’s not only cheap but best in quality and can be gotten from any corner of the world where sun appears. Below are some facts about solar energy.
1. Range of methods
As soon as term, solar energy, is heard, people think of solar panels. They are just one source of solar energy. Rain, wind and hydro powers are all methods to get this energy. Because the heat of the sun plays major role in creating temperature changes causing rain to fall or wind to blow.
2. Its uses
It cannot be avoided as no place in this world is without sun or temperature and pressure. It is uses for cooking, for cooling, driving space crafts, lighting, communications and many more.
3. Its stored form
Even the fossils are the stored form of the solar energy. The dead animals and plants decomposed by the heat provided by the sun and remained buried for millions of years today providing us with oil, gas and coal.
4. Its value
The value of the sun can be seen by the fact that ancient civilizations even worshiped sun as a source of everything. The modern north and south tribes still worship sun. Egyptians used to worship sun as god.
5. Use in the history
Its use is not new; many building methods used the movement of sun for optimization of its warmth and light. During 15th century, it was used by Leonardo Da Vinci to heat water from sun light.
6. For industrial development
Solar energy is one of the greatest needs for the industrial developments of the today’s age. Because the fossils are running out on great speeds, and expensive grid stations are also a problem in far away areas, solar appliances are the best alternative.
7. Renewable source
Unlike the fossil fuel and other energy sources, it is the cheapest and the renewable source of constant energy without breaks. It’s cheap and without the rising prices effects.
8. Average solar power
The average solar power that is received on earth is between 125 and 375 W/m2. This means that 3 to 99 km per w per m@ per day energy reaches the earth daily. With sun’s size as compared to earth, this is still very little amount of energy we receive.
9. Its conversion
The solar cells convert up to 15% of energy they receive in to power. This means that they deliver only up to 19 to 56 W/m2 which is too low. But this does not mean solar energy is inefficient. It’s still the best choice.
10. Future of solar energy
Shell has predicted that up till 2040, many energy sectors will shift to renewable source of the energy. It will start its project with UAE’s collaboration soon and many big giants are also paining to join them in future. So the future of the energy is none other than the solar energy.