When we describe a term “Tree Frog”, different species of frogs come in front of us. However, the word “Tree Frog” is usually used for “Red-eye tree frog”. This famous species of frog that lives in arboreal state for its whole life is a very interesting creature due to its funny as well as colorful appearance. Arboreal animals are those that use locomotion of tress as their habitat and Red-eye tree frog is a prominent arboreal as well. Here are some facts about Red-eye tree frogs.
1. Scientific Name
The family of tree frogs is Hylidae and they are amphibians. The scientific name for Red-eye tree frogs is Agalychnis callidryas.
2. Physical Description
As clear from its name, the dark red eyes have become the identity of Red—eye tree frog. The color of upper skin of these tree frogs is dark green having yellow and blue strips. The inner thighs of Red-eye tree frogs are blue in color. Moreover, the toes of this frog specie are orange in color.
3. Habitat
As Red-eye tree frogs are arboreal animals, so trees are their habitats. They have ability to walk and even climb on trees. Red-eye tree frogs are really very good climbers.
4. Dimension
Red-eye tree frogs are very small in size and usually have size from head to tail about 4 to 7 cm or 1.5 to 2.75 inches.
5. Suction Dicks
Stickiness is the factor that helps the Red-eye tree frogs to stay on leaves of tress for a long time. They have suction dicks on their toes and fingers that provide stickiness with the leaves.
6. Diet
Red-eye tree frogs are carnivore animals. The diet of these tree frogs includes insects, and flies. However, the tadpoles of Red-eye tree frogs are the diet of many small fishes, water beetles and dragon flies as well.
7. Ability to hide from Predators
This is the green color of red-eye tree frogs that keep them safe from predators thanks to their green colors. The green color of red-eye tree frogs become mix up with the green color of leaves and hide them from snakes, birds, bats etc.
8. Reproduction
The reproduction process of red-eye tree frogs is very interesting. Female tree frogs lay and hatch their eggs by choosing an appropriate place on a leaf that must hang over a pod. After releasing the tadpoles from eggs, the tadpoles drop into the stream.
9. Other Name
Another other name for Red-eye tree frogs that is widely using for this animal is Red-eye leaf frog.
10. Danger for Tree frogs
Rapid cutting of trees has become a permanent danger for the Red-eye tree frogs and their homes means trees are disappearing quickly due to day-by-day increasing industrial need of trees.