Bears, a favorite animal of children to see in the zoo and circus, are a wild animal. There are different species of bears that we can differentiate easily on behalf of their colors. the color of bears are black, brown, grizzly and white. However, the two commonly available species of bears that we can see even nearby colonies of human being are black and brown bears. If you want to know something more about black and brown bears, just look at these facts.
1. Biological names
As both black and brown bears belong to family and genus “Ursidae” and “Ursus” respectively, so the biological name of black bear is Ursus Americanus and for brown bear is Ursus Arctos.
2. Habitat
The native home of black bears is forests and mountains of North America. While, we can found brown bears in forests as well as mountainous regions of North America, Asia and Europe. However, brown bear is the specie that is available in most of regions worldwide as well.
3. Weight
The weight of both black and brown bears varies with respect to their gender, age and health condition. As the size of brown bear is always much larger than black bears, so their weight is also heavier as compared to black ones. In case of black bears, the average weight is 50-250 Kg. For brown bears, the average weight lies between 300 to 780 kg.
4. Dimensions
The average length of black bears is 120-200 cm that is much smaller than the average length of brown bears that is 1.7 to 2.8 meters. The shoulder height of both bears is almost same that is 28-45 inches. The average tail length of black bears is 3.0-7.0 inches and of brown bears is 2.4-8.7 inches.
5. Class and Diet
The class of both black and brown bears is Mammalia, so they are mammals. However, in terms of diet, both the animals like black bears and brown bears are omnivore.
6. Solitary Animals
Both black and brown bears are solitary animals and usually have hold over large territories.
7. Hibernation
As compared to brown bears, black bears are not more hibernators. The hibernation period of black bears is almost 3-5 months. On the other hand, brown bears hibernate completely for whole winter season that is more than 6 months.
8. Dangerous for human
Black bears usually, do not attack on human being in contrast to brown bears that are notorious for severe attacks on human beings.
9. Reproduction
Both female black and brown bears give birth to their cubs in hibernation period and nurse them up till spring season. Female black bear usually give birth two cubs in one hibernation period than female brown bear that give birth usually three cubs at a time.
10. Subspecies
Research has unveiled that both black and brown bears have 16 subspecies.