Endive belongs to daisy family. It is a leaf vegetable. Either you can cook it or serve it in salad in raw form. It is related to chicory genus that has bitter leafed vegetables. It has many vitamins and minerals like folate, vitamin A and K and fiber too. Belgian endive is also called by French endive and witloof or white leaf. It is similar to thin cylinder with pale green leaves. Seed is not directly used in soil for its growing. A second growth is used from the cut roots of chicory plants.
You may have various options to eat it, they may be baked, steamed, boiled, grilled or in raw form. Steaming is better than boiling. While boiling the endive be careful in draining it before serving. A medium endive Belgium has 20 calories. For diet conscious people, it is appealing due to its without fat or cholesterol. It is rich source of folate.
Belgium Endive Nutritional Value, Data, Information, Content, Label, List and Benefits
Measure 1endive
Weight 53g
Energy 9kcal
Energy 38kj
Protein tr g
Carbohydrate 2g
Total Sugar N/A g
Total Dietary Fiber 1.6g
Total Fat tr g
Saturated Fat 10 g
Cholesterol 0.1mg
Calcium 1mg
Iron 112mg
Sodium 5mg
Potassium 14mg
Magnesium 1mg
Phosphorus 9mg
Thiamin N/Amg
Riboflavin 20mg
Niacin 1NE
Folate 0DFE